Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fabulous Fifty

1. I am a WIFE. I love the title!

2. The rice chips that Holden bought for me yesterday, which I am snacking on.

3. I don't live alone anymore, it's much less scary.

4. Everyone who came to my wedding and made me feel special, especially Kristen, who missed out on her husband's big bike race just for me!

5. Holden happily ate my lasagna yesterday, which didn't turn out at all, due to the fact it was the first time I had ever attempted making such a thing.

6. Karrilyn has a BOY, in California! W00t!

7. Holden acts like a little kid when he gets angry, throwing papers and going to his room to pout. Lol.

8. I have a nephew on the way, he will be born in January, and his name is Hector <3

9. The temple dedication is this Sunday and I don't have work!!

10. I am taking the semester off of school, for the very first time in my life. If I didn't I would never ever get to see my husband.

11. I finally found a version of Anchorman for sale online that isn't the "uncut and unrated" one.

12. The rugs on the floor in our living room, they are so soft!

13. Because Holden has been going into work early, I am allowed to go eat lunch with him before I head off to work.

14. My job. Though it is hard and long hours, I love the girls there.

15. The Office, which I have been re-watching with Holden.

16. The desire I have to be a good wife, which makes me want to clean and do laundry.

17. The opportunity that I had to see my family 4 times in the last 2 weeks, thanks to the wedding, and their trip to San Diego.

18. My wisdom teeth extraction is all just a bad memory now, and the pain is gone.

19. The married ward we went to on Sunday, I really liked it, although Holden didn't.

20. Holden and I went to the movie theatre together, for the FIRST TIME ever, and we saw Harry Potter 6.

21. Holden's parents, I love them, and all they do for us.

22. Everyone who travelled to come to my wedding, especially family members from out of state, and our neighbors from New Mexico who came as a SURPRISE to everyone.

23. I am finally getting used to my wearing garments, and I'm happy that I am able to do so.

24. Holden had to wake up at 8 this morning and he let me sleep while he got ready for work. And he was in such a good mood.

25. My sister in law, Beth, because she is wonderful and sends me emails all the time.

26. Chris's wedding slideshow, set to the song Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd.

27. Holden's very small amount of possessions, because if he had any more, they wouldn't fit into our house, thanks to my huge collection of Stuff.

28. Holden going into work early every day this week, so that he can get more money to provide for us.

29. Holden looking for a new job so that he can be an even better provider for us.

30. Looking forward to the future.

31. Going to clean the temple grounds next week!

32. Going to the temple.

33. Sleeping in.

34. Our swimming pool, even though I rarely get to utilize it.

35. Steve going on a date with my sister. We'll see how it goes, haha.

36. Holden's stuff is now my stuff too.

37. Frozen yogurt for 1.00 at Dixie Nutrition. Mmmm.

38. Holden's natural talent of public speaking.

39. Brooke Williams, who is so wonderful. She did my hair for the wedding, and she drives me to work every day so I don't die of heat stroke in my convertable without A/C.

40. Genesis and how I am so confused by some things in there, but Holden usually explains them to me.

41. I am almost 21! And although I have to work 24 hours on my birthday, it's ok because even if I can't get it switched I'm sure I will have a good time, and we can celebrate another time.

42. Holden and I have a gift card for Applebees and we are just dying to have a date night, hopefully this week :)

43. Facebook for keeping me connected to everyone.

44. Holden's ambition to make a good life for the two of us.

45. My ring, which I still think is the most beautiful thing ever.

46. Having 2 families now, mine and his.

47. Watching Holden play Frogger and getting really excited about it.

48. Working on writing Thank You notes to people.

49. Having a new purpose in life.

50. Holden chose me, of all people, to be his wife and we are sealed together forever.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I am getting married in 5 days. FIVE DAYS!

And I have never been happier. Well besides the fact that my wisdom teeth were recently extracted and I still have some pain from that. Oh and also big yellow bruises on my cheeks. I really hope they are gone within 5 days. You know why.

The past few days have been wonderful. Well, besides the teeth thing. But even so, having that pain gave me the opportunity to receive a beautiful blessing from my wonderful fiancee. And have the chance to be spoon fed by him. And to feel the sadness of not being able to kiss him for a couple days because it hurt too badly. I hope I am never deprived of that again. I also had the experience of going to the temple to do some really cool things there, for the first time. I will admit that it surely could have been a better experience had I not had a splitting headache and the puffiest cheeks imaginable. But that is the beauty of it, that I can go back as often as I want to now. Well, seeing as I get my recommend back from Holden's brother who lives up north.... Hopefully soon since I had really wanted to go to the temple this week again.

I am so excited for life. After this weekend, things will be so different, and probably harder, but I am totally up for the challenge and so excited to spend forever with Holden. He is such a wonderful person. I appreciate him so much, even though I don't always express it, due to my own flaws and shortcomings. But he knows how great he is, as do I. Why he fell in love with me, I may never know, but I can rest happy knowing that it happened, and that I am so very blessed because of it.

This will probably be my last blog post, on this blog, but I'm sure that Holden will help me make a new shared blog, and it will be much more exciting and interesting. I'm sure of it. Well, bye for now! Emily